Imagine what it would feel like to have a slim, lean body shape that you feel proud of whilst having fat loss nutrition & training coached to you in Layman's terms.


This page is for busy men and women who have tried several diets and training methods in the past yet have always struggled with their body shape.


If you seemed to have tried endless amounts of dieting methods, classes and spent hours on the treadmill yet still felt a little lost with how to plan your fat loss based training and nutrition for yourself, you must read this.

In this page, I’ll reveal three things you can do today to lose weight, drop body fat and keep it off without ever having to feel as if fat loss has to be over-complicated or restrictive.

Ask yourself -

  • Am I embarrassed with my body at the moment?
  • Am I less attractive than I was 2, 5 or 10 years ago?
  • Do I feel this impacts my self-confidence?
  • Am I worried that my partner no longer finds me as attractive they used to?
  • Am I putting myself in position where it could impact my children's health?
  • Would I love to lose weight so I no longer compare myself to my friends that are in better shape then me?

If you answered “yes” to any one the above, then please keep reading.

I know that right now, having a body you can be proud of, with curves and definition and a flat stomach or abs probably seems like a pipe dream.

And that’s natural.

But I assure you, in this article you’ll learn the 3 tricks that any man or woman aged 25 to 40 needs to know to get a toned physique without ever feeling as if they’re ‘’dieting’’.

Even better, without giving up ANY of your favourite foods.

Yes - cake, crisps, chocolate and burgers are all on the menu.

Read on to learn more.



Diets Don’t Work for You

You probably tell yourself that you’re one of those people that diets don’t work for.

And it’s true.

Throughout my 10 years in the health and fitness industry I’ve seen this first hand:

Men and women who try every single dieting method and supplements out there, only never to get the body shape they deserve based off their hard work.

I feel your pain.

Quite frankly, it SUCKS when you put so much effort into sticking to your low-carb, low-calorie, clean eating detox diet, when you only lose a pound or two, and then pile all the weight back on as soon as you go back to eating normally.

For the lucky men and women out there, dieting is a breeze.

Heck, they don’t even need to diet - they seem to get into amazing shape through willpower alone and training sporadically.

But there are people out there, especially those in the 25-40 age range, for whom traditional dieting methods simply don’t work.

It doesn’t matter how often you go to the gym …

What fat-burning supplements you take …

How low you cut your carbs …

Or how clean you try and eat …

Nothing seems to work.

Worse still, you feel so restricted on a diet that it has a huge impact on your social life.

You can’t go out to eat with friends, have a drink with your partner, or celebrate birthdays, Christmas and go to barbecues without fear of gaining back all that ugly body fat.

So what are you to do?

Give up dieting forever and just accept a life of being overweight, unhappy and hating your physique?

It’s incredibly sad, but many people are doing this.

All I wish was that they had the three tips I’m about to share with you that can finally help you lose that stubborn body fat, drop pounds, and get your dream body.

Are you GUILTY of any of the following …

  • Doing hours of cardio every week
  • Cutting whole food groups from your diet
  • Having a cheat meal at weekends
  • Weighing yourself every day
  • Trying to avoid grains, sugars, gluten or dairy?
  • Buying a fat-burning supplement
  • Having most of your meals as shake


If so, don’t worry.

All these are incredibly common when people try to lose weight, but none of them are the correct way to go about fighting that stubborn fat,

Cardio might burn calories, but it does very little for the way your body looks.

Do you think Gerard Butler from 300 or Cameron Diaz look the way they do because they sit on a bike a few times a week?


People who are in great shape don’t do much cardio at all, it’s an additional extra that’s used if needed.

You’ll come to see that they all use the three tips I’ll reveal very shortly.

Cutting out food groups might seem like a good way to get slim and toned, but trust me, it’s not.

See by cutting out grains, potatoes, sugar, or gluten, all you do is create monstrous cravings, which you can only stave off for so long.

It simply comes down to a matter of will power until people give in to this, trust me, I’ve seen and tried it!

This leads us to …

Cheat meals.

Cheat meals boost your metabolism, right?


Cheat meals are the fastest way to regain any weight you’ve lost, and make yourself bloated, fat and sick.

It’s possible to gain 2 to 3 pounds of fat from just one day of binge eating on your diet.

If you haven’t seen it happen already or don’t believe me, try it!

These, along with all the other mistakes above are among a whole host of reasons why diets have never worked for you before.

Now, this isn’t your fault:

The diet industry has been lying to you.

But I want to fix that. Keep reading to discover …


3 GUARANTEED tips to help ANY woman lose stubborn body fat and drop pounds without … you’ve never seen a weight loss diet like this before.

My methods might seem crazy.

But I promise you, they’re backed by science.

It’s just that they don’t hit the mainstream as they’re not designed to make you part with any cash.

They can all be done completely FREE.


Most people are usually lost with how many calories they need to lose weight. I’m going to give you some basic guidelines that you can use straight away so we can get that off to an accurate start for you.

Step 1 – Write down your goal weight that you want to hit.

Step 2 – Take you goal weight in pounds and use this easy equation.

Goal weight x (workout hours per week + 9.5)

Step 3 – Press the equals button and write down that number, that’s your target daily calories.

Easy, right?

If you’re anything like me, you’re probably wondering why we never see that written in magazines, it would solve a lot of our problems, right?

Now we’ve got that, let’s refine it further for you so you can develop an even better body shape.


Protein intake!

Why’s it needed?

Here’s three easy things to remember that are often neglected and underestimated.

1 – Protein is satiating and filling which is great for staving off hunger pangs.

2 – It’s essential for the maintenance and development of muscle shape and tone which, is perfect and essential if you want a well-shaped and toned body after a weight loss plan.

3 – It tastes pretty damn good as well. Alongside it generally being an essential nutrient in our that we can’t remove for health reasons.

Here’s how you can figure your daily requirement out.

Step 1 – Take your number of calorie and multiply it by 0.2

Step 2 – Take that answer and divide it by four.

Step 3 – That answer is the number of grams you should aim for per day as a target.

Pretty easy again right?


Weight training!

Why weight training?

In order to shape and build a physique that you feel proud of, we have to overload them in order for them to adapt.

If we don’t, simply put, then why would they adapt? They just wouldn’t right, there’s no stress put upon them in order for them to have to adapt.

This is where a carefully planning weight training programme based around developing a body shape comes into a world of its own!

Like I said before, cardio is simply an additional extra or a tool if you will. We simply use it as and when needed if we’ve pushed weight training as far as we can.

Once I started using these simple, but massively overlooked methods with my own clients, the results were staggering.



''I went to Graham for diet advice 3 weeks before my holiday.

I left it a little late but what fantastic advice he gave me and in 3 weeks I seen a difference by following his diet and training plan.

I would highly recommend and wish I had went to Graham earlier as the results would have been even better.

Thanks Graham''

Weight Loss Client - Callum Greer


What you have here is 80% of what you need to know.

I guarantee that if you start using these 3 tips right this very minute, you’ll see visible changes in your body within 1 to 2 weeks.

Thing is, there’s more.

I’m not saying you need this extra.

Unless that is, of course, you want to achieve insert readers goals faster, easier and without the stress of potentially making physique-killing mistakes.

I’ve spent thousands of pounds/ dollars learning how to lose stubborn fat as fast as humanly possible, while eating your favourite foods every day.

I’ve invested in coaching and training to ensure I get my clients results that last.

Like I said, you can try everything yourself, and maybe get there, maybe not, or you can keep reading to see if you’re a good fit for what I’m offering …

Introducing The Next Level Body Academy

The #1 way to 


  •  Lose body fat without banning ANY food.
  •  Develop a shaped and toned physique
  •  Work towards a body shape you’re proud to walk down the beach with
  •  Become educated on nutrition and training
  •  Ultimately, become self-sufficient when it comes to weight loss
  •  Long-term, raise your self-esteem off the back of it.

Now, before I reveal just how you can gain exclusive access to the Next Level Body Academy, let me be clear:

This is NOT for everyone.

(read that again)

I’ve had people apply/ invest before who haven’t been serious.

They’ve not really wanted to achieve weight loss and a defined body shape.

That’s okay, because not everybody is ready to commit to finally making a change and grasping hold of their perfect body.

My guess though, is if you’re reading this, you are.

So, let me tell you what’s involved with The Next Level Body Academy.

Insert 6-10 bullet points/ fascinations.

  • A tailor made and continually progressive training programme
  • A tailor made nutritional breakdown specifically for you
  • Access to my private client only tracking App.
  • 24/7 email access to myself to answer questions or queries
  • Access to my private invite only client group
  • Access to a full exercise library if needed/wanted
  • Access to my healthy snack recipes
  • Weekly check-ins with me
  • Access to a detailed personalised spreadsheet designed for your tracking
  • Access to endless amounts of client testimonials and before and after images.

The question on your lips …

How much does it cost?

Let me answer that:

The full value of what I’m offering is £349.99

This part is key - if you’re offering online coaching, break down each component, such as -

A bespoke workout program - £60

Access to my private tracking App. - £20

Access to my private client Forum/Group - £20

Access to mine & my clients healthy snack recipe’s - £19.99

Weekly Check-in’s with me - £25

24/7 email access - £25

A personal diet plan - £60

Full access to an exercise library - £20

That’s a total cost of £349.99 per month.

But through this page ONLY, you can gain access to online personal training to help you achieve insert goal for just £97 per month.

Still on the fence?

Think of it like this -

How much do you pay for coffee every day? £2.50

How about your monthly TV subscription? £45?

Meals out? £40 per week

Junk food? £10 per week

I’m not saying for one minute that you have to give up any of these, and in fact, I’d encourage you to keep living your life while losing weight and reshaping your body.

But what I would say is currently, all those things above are making you fatter and more miserable and costing you much, much more than the Next

Level Body Academy.

For less than the cost of the price comparisons such as cups of coffee, TV subscriptions, trip to the cinema etc. you can have

  • The ability to go out with friends without feeling self-conscious
  • Not wake up in the morning and dislike the look you see in the mirror
  • Be confident enough to apply for promotions or presentations at work
  • Be able to walk your kids to the school gates without feeling embarrassed.
  • Ultimately, get in the best shape you’ve been in a for long time if not ever.

When you click the button below, you’ll immediately be taking a step towards your perfect figure.

Just picture it -

You’ll look stunning.

Friends will ask how you managed it as they gaze at you in envy.

Your husband will find you drop dead gorgeous once more.

Your kids will no longer be embarrassed to be seen with you.

And most importantly, you’ll finally feel confident in your own skin and have a body you love.

What’s more, you can do all of this without having to ban your favourite foods, and with less than 3 hours training per week.


Here’s what happens as soon as you take action and invest in your health and happiness today:

You’ll receive an email directly from me.

Even better, you’ll be booked in for a complimentary coaching call with me.

Regardless of whether you're offered a position or whether we agree to go ahead and nail it, you'll get a load of complimentary guidance from me that's specific to you.

What’s stopping you?

Think about it -

Are you 100% happy with your physique at the moment?

Do you like carrying around those extra pounds?

And is yoyo dieting something you want to be doing for the next 5, 10 or 20 years?

If not, you know what to do.

With my complimentary coaching call first that you'll be given by me personally, it's 100% risk free.

What’s it to be?

Request a complimentary coaching call now and start seeing immediate results, or go back to your detox diets, your expensive supplements and your cardio classes, see no results only to come back here in 2 months time more upset?

The choice is yours...